#Erlang #pubnub #pubsub #simple_one_for_one #Web

Erlang PubNub Client and Chat

I was thoroughly impressed with PubNub, a publish/subscribe service, when I first read their articles and played around with it some in Javascript. But obviously I need an Erlang API if I’m going to really use it! So I’ve created ePubNub. In the ePubNub README you’ll find information on some basic usage of the application. You don’t have to do anything more than use the epubnub.erl module to publish and subscribe (by either providing a PID to send messages to or a function handler to process each). ...

#CouchDB #Erlang #simple_one_for_one #Web #Webmachine

eCloudEdit Part 2: CouchDB

In my last post I showed the Webmachine backend to James Yu’s CloudEdit app in Backbone.js. What was left out was, where are the documents stored? Here I’ll show how this is done with CouchDB. And you can give the app a try at http://erlware.org:8080 First, a new Erlang app is needed that we’ll call ece_db. Three modules are implemented, one that starts the app by calling the supervisor’s start function, the supervisor itself that sets up a simple_one_for_one and the gen_server that handles the frontends requests for creating and modifying documents in CouchDB. ...

#Backbone.js #CouchDB #Erlang #Javascript #MVC #Web #Webmachine

eCloudEdit: Erlang, Webmachine and Backbone.js

To experiment with using a pure client-side rendering talking to an Erlang backend I’ve taken James Yu’s CloudEdit tutorial an app written with Backbone.js and Rails and converted the backend to use Webmachine and CouchDB. You can see eCloudEdit in action here. The Backbone.js code is the same so to understand that please see James' post, here I’ll describe the Erlang backend. To begin with we setup two applications, one for handling the web interaction and a second for handling the database interaction. ...